5/11/2015 0 Comments WTF is a Dryer?
Before any of you call BS on the scenario above, let me ask you this question: how often do us guys pick up a blow dryer and aim it at our heads?
Worry not young grasshoppers. Today will be the day we enlighten you on the importance of the blow dryer and some of its common grooming purposes. Drying As stated by the name, the primary function of the blow dryer is to eliminate the moisture in your hair with the introduction of forced cold or hot air. Speaking of blow-drying one’s hair, we are quite sure a good number of you lads are scratching your heads and asking the question why. Of course it’s common for females to dry their hair after showering, but should it matter to us guys? The answer is YES. No matter how long or short your hair is (unless you don’t have hair), it’s always recommended to dry it after showering. The concept is fairly basic, but one worth noting. Wet or moist hair can cause the following: 1) exposure to cold weather can cause sickness or headaches (perhaps an old wives tale), 2) sleeping with wet or damp hair can cause skin irritation and a bad hair do. Plus, who wants to sleep on a wet pillow? By drying your hair after showering, you can save yourself from a series of mishaps. Styling This one is a favorite trick of mine. I typically find myself going to the blow dryer more often to style my hair than for anything else. When it comes to styling my hair, I tend to use the blow dryer as a complimentary tool to help shape the look. While products such as hair gel and hair wax do come in various levels of hold strength, my hair is generally too long to stay in shape completely. To overcome this dilemma, I would apply the hair products first and then use one hand to style while having the other hand aim a running blow dryer to help speed up the hardening or the “hold” process. It’s wise to inform everyone that this process does take some patience and practice to perfect. Coloring If applying the use of blow dryer during the styling process is my favorite hack, then this one has got to be my second favorite hack. I actually came across this trick couple years ago while researching proper ways to dye my hair. I read that after applying the hair color dye over the hair, it’s recommended to use a blow dryer to lightly go over the dyed area. By doing so you are eliminating any moisture or water that is trapped in the hair, allowing for a quicker and more thorough application process. I’ve personally applied this method every time I dye my hair and don’t have any complaints. Well there you have it folks. Just because a grooming device seems irrelevant or foreign does not mean it has no purpose. In the case of the blow dryer, the grooming purpose can be more than one. What really works at the end of the day isn’t the product, but rather the individual commanding the tool. Next time you see a foreign object in your restroom, take a chance and give it a try… well, as long as it’s a device meant for both men and women. by ManPossible
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