10/19/2015 0 Comments Orale Holmes!![]() Friend B: Ya Holmes! That’s the smell of my new shaving cream vato! My girl got it for me for my 18th birthday holmes! Esta muy bien chico! It’s this new company called PRZMAN and the product is called Easy Rider Shave Lube. You know holmes… after I used this product, it was life changing. It’s like having a second chance! Let me tell you… Friend B: So like I used to use soap or sometimes no shaving cream at all you know. That’s because I’m a REAL man ese! You know! I ain’t afraid of no razor burn eh! Mama didn’t raise no fool eh ese! But then my girl started complaining because she said every time I shave, it was no good. She didn’t like that rough body-to-body contact you know. She says she ain’t about that rough life no more vato! Friend A: Are you serio holmes? Your girl be crazy holmes! Friend B: Well that’s what I was thinking right ese! But! You know that BIG culo (butt)! My girl be like, “eh Papé I just want you to look pretty for me when we go out.” So I thought about it and decided I give it a try. Because you know I want to make this relationship work holmes! Friend A: Orale Vato! I feel you holmes! Friend B: So yea, I tried this PRZMAN product and it was life changing. This Easy Rider Shave Lube comes in this pump action plastic white bottle homes. The nozzle has this teardrop shape that resembles a beats ear bud. I think that’s pretty creative homes! I don’t remember using any other shaving products with a similar look. Furthermore, there’s this funny looking man with a racing helmet riding a penny-farthing (high-wheel) bicycle. It reminded me of my bro’s low rider, it brings back good memories... Friend A: That’s awesome holmes! My other vato, Baby Joker is working and saving up money to buy a low rider too! Much respect for that vato! Friend B: Yea. Mad respect for an independent vato! So get this. What really tripped me out about this Easy Rider Shave Lube is when I actually begin to use the product. So after a quick 1 – 2 pumps, the bottle dispensed a dime sized white cream. Es that blanco cream ese! The substance isn’t thick, but rather more on the watery side. It’s like they didn’t put enough ingredients in the making of the product. It’s fine though. We all gotta be frugal and stuff nowadays. But there’s more. There is this huge blast of lemon scent from the bottle. Let’s just say when my mother came home she thought I had the little homies making lemonade. It took some explaining, but my mom finally believed me. Friend A: My friend Chinto Kevin once ran a lemonade stand when he was a first grader. Talk about empresario eh! Friend B: Damn! That Chinto Kevin always be thinking business. That vato is a hustler! So Anyways man, check this out. Everything I said up to this point about the shave lube isn’t even the best part. The mind blowing part was when I applied the product. So unlike the traditional shaving cream or even soaps, this product really lives up to its “lube” nature. This stuff is like the perfect medium between my facial hair and the single blade razor. Just slightly placing the razor blade against the face and with the lightest movement, the blade would smoothly move with your hand gesture. This PRZMAN Shave Lube makes shaving so much easier and allows for a much closer and cleaner shave! I can’t believe how good I look and felt after holmes. When my girl saw me, she was like crying with joy. That means a lot to me ese! Friend A: Are you serio ese? That’s muy bueno holmes. I think I’m going to ditch scissors and get on this PRZMAN Easy Rider Shave Lube game! Friend B: You can get all this and much more at ManPossible. by HombrePosible
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