12/26/2014 0 Comments If Life Gives You Lemons…
Physical Appearance
To the person who came up with the phrase, “never judge a book by its cover”, we ask how pretty is your significant other? Let’s be real, the packaging for both the Shampoo and Conditioner weren’t exactly eye candy. But then again, men don’t usually buy grooming products just so we can stare at it. In the case of PRZMAN, the company opted to move away from the traditional sleek and classy packaging and go with a more laidback and lighthearted appearance. By lighthearted we mean 250ml plastic white bottle wrapped with a “custom” sticker. By “custom”, we mean a sticky with “clever” graphics. By “clever”, we mean a black and white image of a mummy (hence Man-A-Morphosis) and black and white image of Vladimir Putin standing on top of a convertible Chevy Impala firing a machine gun (hence Surface Warfare). Creative indeed! What further define these unique products are the various bottle caps. For the Man-A-Morphosis Lotion & Hair Conditioner, we have a clear, pump-action nozzle. For the Surface Warfare Shampoo & Body Wash, we have a flip top that is designed like the hairpin from a flash grenade. We raise yet, another glass of gin & tonic for an ingenious idea. Content Now that we’ve finished judging the cover of the book, let us give the content a proper review. PRZMan Surface Warfare Shampoo & Body Wash Remember that comment earlier about lemons? There was a reason for that reference. When you flip open the Shampoo, you’re first hit with a strong fragrance of lemon zest. My brain was further confused as I squeezed the bottle to see clear liquid oozing from the nozzle. My first reaction was, “wow, the people over at PRZMAN must run an underground lemonade business”. It was only when I went back and read the box packaging did I find out that products were 100% organic and contains ingredients such as: Aloe, Water, Flower & Tea Extracts, Lemon Peel Oil, Mandarin Orange Peel Oil and many more natural things. Either way, this bottle still smells like lemonade to me. PRZMan Man-A-Morphosis Botanical Body Lotion & Hair Conditioner If the Shampoo & Body Wash resembles that of lemonade, then this puppy is the lemon cream pie. No seriously, this thing reminds me of a lemon cream pie. I believe I was sober when taking a shower? When you pump the nozzle, instead of the usual airy fluff, you get a thin stream of silky white lotion. The silky and glossy texture of the lotion resembles that of thick cream. As I put the substance close to my nostril, I’m reminded of, you guessed it… lemon cream pie. When comparing the package label of both products, it’s evident that they both contain similar elements. Usage 2-in-1 Strategy What make these products one (or should I say two) of a kind are their multi-purpose functionalities. Whether it’s “killing two birds with one stone” or simply satisfying the typical man’s laziness, PRZMAN was indeed thoughtful when they crafted their products. Surface Warfare Shampoo & Body Wash As the name suggests, you can squeeze the “lemonade” into your hands and work the content into your scalp as well as your entire body. The application process is straightforward, especially if you’ve used body wash products in the past. Maybe it’s the natural ingredients, or maybe it’s the overpowering of the zest scents, but this product felt foreign to me. Unlike the typical body wash and shampoo I’ve used in the past, this stuff doesn’t leave your body with that invisible layer of scented armor. After rinsing, it feels as if your body absorbed every bit of the nutritional ingredients; leaving your hair and skin feeling the way it was before, but different, in a good way. Man-A-Morphosis Botanical Body Lotion & Hair Conditioner This stuff works best with water. As I lathered the cream into my hair, the product seemed to want to stay in one particular spot. Only when you introduce some water to your hair will you be able to loosen up the substance and work it across your entire head. Similar to the Shampoo, it seemed my body was really addicted to the product and wanted to consume it all. As for the Body Lotion aspects of the product, you can simply, 1) work the conditioner around your body during the shower, or 2) apply the lotion before/after you shower and rinse/wipe it off after. The silky goodness will cling onto your skin and never let go. Conclusion So I’ve been using these two dynamic duos for a little over 3 weeks now. I’m not going to lie; in the very beginning I hated the stuff. I literally thought I was applying lemonade and lemon cream pie on myself. It was probably after the 4th time, these stuff started warming up to me; an ugly girl’s personality starting outweigh it’s “cover”, perhaps. Us MP guys have been long spoiled by some great brands with freshly scented body wash, shampoos and conditioners that I’ve forgot my ways. At the end of the day it’s not how good you smell, it’s how good you feel. Through multiple usages, I’ve become accustomed to the scent and my body has grown to like this stuff. Will these replace my freshly scented shower products? Probably not. But, I will definitely be using them interchangeably with my other shower products. If you are adventurous and have a sense of humor, go give the products a try and let us know your thoughts. by ManPossible
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