It was yet another gathering of the digital, fashion, and entertainment industries at its finest. This time the event was scheduled around mid-spring and in the Big Apple [how fitting]. As we navigated pass the busy bodies in the chattering crowd, we saw a young boy in his early twenties sitting front and center across from the stage. The boy was handsome and well groomed. If anything, we were mostly drawn in by his non-apologetic hairstyle. There was a look of excitement and pure youthfulness written on his face as he eagerly awaited the next speaker to take the stage. Minutes later, a girl walked towards the front of the stage and took the seat next to the boy. [What do we have here?] She was a charming young lady, also in her early twenties with a restless look of excitement and hopefulness. With much self-confidence [ladies take note], the girl turned to her right and introduced herself to the boy. Being clueless as usual [typical male], the boy responded with a one-liner, which made the conversation one-sided and awkward… Thankfully our girl had a much higher IQ than our boy, and guided the conversation smoothly ashore. On that particular day in spring, fate introduced the boy and the girl into each other’s lives. Given it was only a 2-day business trip, the two parted ways and exchanged information via social network, not knowing if they’ll ever cross paths again [millennials… rolling eyes]. Fast-forward 3 years… Our boy has grown up quite a bit. He’s more confident in himself and has even started rocking some facial hair to go with that non-apologetic hairstyle. The past 3 years of adulthood didn’t crush his youthfulness. He is still eager about the world. As a matter of fact, the boy still acts like a 5 year old every time he goes into a toy store. As for our lady, as she likes to put it: “I’m not a girl, not yet a woman”. Life also had different plans for her. With age, she not only became more beautiful, she’s also gotten wiser. Her desire to express herself and share the art of the environment and culture sets her on a new journey. After graduating and working in New York for 3 years, she decided it was time for a change. Destination? You guessed it: Los Angeles, California. Again… 3 years later, fate decided to clock back in. The boy and the girl reconnect with each other again. This time the two of them are in a different stage of their lives and things are a bit different. This time… This time the reunion of the two gave birth to… ManPossible T-Shirts! Wait, What?!?!?!
Yup, you heard it first folks, your favorite MP peeps have been working hard and we finally came up with something we are super proud of. We have just completed our first beta version of the new ManPossible T-Shirts, and we are mighty proud of the results! Wait, so what about the boy and the girl? What about the story? What does that have anything to do with t-shirts? Hold your horses and keep your pants [t-shirts] on. Let us explain. The story of the boy and girl is a story we all can relate to [maybe]. [And it's a start of a novel we always wanted to write.] If anything, this chance encounter showed us anything goes in life. We are all in a way on a wondering journey, but once in a while we find someone along the way who is also travelling along the similar path. No physical gestures or exchange of words are needed. Those who walk a similar path understand each other as it’s meant to be. [Okay, this is even more confusing!]. It is with that same mindset of passion, courage and determination that MP, went ahead and did something we’ve always wanted to do. We designed and made our very first T-Shirts! Call your friends! Tell your mother! Heck, go visit your grandmother! Shit just got real! Remember our promise? The promise to move forward and achieve even greater things than the day before. We are living that promise! Instead of the product reviews, we decided to launch this post with a story that embodies mind and soul… A coincidental meeting between two strangers resulting in something amazing and unforgettable!? What happens when grooming meets fashion? Well, ManPossible T-Shirts, that’s what! So it really has nothing to do with the girl... it just sounded so romantic and right! As for the story of the boy and girl, we’ll let your imaginations write the rest of the fairytale [possible love novel forthcoming!]. We’ll shut up now and let you be the judge. We’ll start taking pre-orders once the factory workers finish their strike in the 3rd world country where under age children labor day and night in unbearable conditions to create your gorgeous t-shirts for your pure enjoyment…. OF COURSE, WE ARE KIDDING!!! by ManPossible Photo used under CC from madelineyoki
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