8/15/2014 2 Comments Almond Delicious Hand CreamFirst things first. Almond Delicious Hands, a hand cream from L’Occitane En Provence, clearly gets points for a creative product name. Now, using it won’t make your hands so irresistibly tasty that you’ll be walking around nibbling them all day. But the product is an excellent moisturizing hand cream, and does in fact smell quite delicious….
“Amande Mains A Croquer” – as usual, it sounds better in French – comes in a 1-oz tube made of flexible plastic. It’s a serviceable dispenser, and works well enough to get the job done. But the screw-top cap is not as convenient as it could be. First, you have to unscrew the detachable top and risk losing it down the sink drain, or having it bounce off the counter and into the toilet. Second, the cap is small and thin compared to the size of the tube, so the product doesn’t stand upside down as solidly as it might otherwise. Now, with those nits picked and out of the way, I can tell you that the labeling on the outside of the tube is pretty cool. The colors used include gold, brown and white against a soft, mint green background. Serif and sans serif fonts are nicely interspersed, and graduated sizing is used on some parts of the lettering with really nifty-looking results. But let’s cut to the chase and answer your burning questions. Does it work? Does it moisturize? Does it hydrate? Does it soften? Does it make the hands, in a word, delicious? To go all Midwest on you for a moment, oh, yah, you betcha. This is a very rich hand cream with a pleasant, powerful scent of almond. The aromatics and the feel of the product are strong and very long-lasting. Despite being an admittedly OCD hand-washer, I can confirm that my hands stayed both soft and “almondy” for hours after using the product in the morning before going to work. It’s also great to use right before bed, to keep your hands from getting dry or cracked while you sleep. I also think it’ll be a great product to use to protect the hands during the winter months. The price of L’Occitane’s Almond Delicious Hands is a little bit of a deterrent. The 1-oz tube costs $12, which is a lot less bang for the buck more than other hand lotions offer. But it’s a good choice on a day where you want to pamper yourself a little, and take your hands to the spa without leaving home. As you know by now from following MP, there’s a real price jump from the mass market brands to the higher-end natural products companies like L’Occitane En Provence. Like other L’Occitane products, Delicious Hands is available in brick and mortar retail locations (both at company standalone stores and within department stores) as well as online. Get ready to experience almonds in a whole new way…. by ManPossible
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